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A record 33 million people are expected to visit Andalucia in 2023

A record 33 million people are expected to visit Andalucia in 2023

As memories of the COVID-19 restrictions of the earlier 2020s recede ever-further, and holidaymakers become more confident to plan their travels for the coming year, the reasons to pay a visit to Andalucia are multiplying – and it seems this is a view held by many travellers. 

This much was evident from a recent SUR in English report, which covered the appearance of the King and Queen of Spain at the Andalucia stand at Spain’s Fitur international tourism fair.  

The report also carried quotes from the President of the Andalucian government, or Junta, Juanma Moreno, who made clear he was sure of 2023 being a massive year for tourism in this southernmost area of Spain. 

High hopes of a return to pre-pandemic visitor levels 

It might seem at times – especially to many of those who routinely take advantage of our own private hire services at Simply Shuttles – that the attractions and charms of sightseeing in Andalucia would need no introduction. After all, the region has never been short of world-renowned landmarks and activities across its settlements like Málaga, Seville, and Ronda. 

However, with some people from other parts of the world having been forced to stay away from the region for longer than they would have liked due to the now-lifted coronavirus restrictions, the present moment is an excellent one to remind everyone of what they are missing. 

As Moreno put it: “The pull of Andalucia makes it the first national destination… we are in a year of take-off after the turbulence of the health crisis, in which expectations are growing and confidence is increasing”. 

Indeed, the president of the Junta revealed that – as long as there were no major unforeseen events – it was predicted that visitor numbers to Andalucia could exceed the record 32.7 million seen during 2019, the last full pre-pandemic year. According to the most optimistic forecast, some 33 million travellers could be in Andalucia during 2023. 

And with Moreno adding that international demand went up by 572% in 2022, there is clearly a strong foundation for such impressive visitor numbers to be realised. 

Why not see for yourself what the fuss is all about? 

If you’re feeling tantalised by the possibilities for your own fine dining, golfing, and/or sightseeing in Andalucia this year – to cite just some of the rewarding things you can do in this sun-drenched part of Spain – why not start your planning now, to give yourself something special to look forward to? 

Our team at Simply Shuttles stands ready to provide all the convenience and comfort of excellent-value transfers on the Costa del Sol. Call us now on +34 951 279 117 or email, and we will be pleased to give you advice and arrange the transfer that you require for your trip here.